
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's In the Bag

When Ashley at A Hasty Life contacted me about participating in "It's In The Bag", I wasn't sure whether or not I should participate. Really how interesting is my purse? As I thought about it more, I decided it would be fun to participate. After all my friends tease me that my purse would come in handy on "Let's Make a Deal". My purse is a lot like my blog title, (A) Little Bit of Everything!

I love this purse! How many times a day are you digging in your purse trying to find something? My Isaac Mizrahi purse (from QVC) helps eliminate the digging. It has three divided compartments, as well as two outside zippered compartments and two pouch pockets for cell phones. As long as I can remember how I divided up things between compartments, I can find things pretty easily.

So what actually is in my purse? A lot more than I am showing you in this post. You don't really want to see my rubber band, safety pins, post it notes, dental floss, tide pen, benadryl pen, Advil, Tums, Bayer aspirin, hand sanitizer, wipes and Kleenex, do you? I didn't think so. See it is (A) Little Bit of Everything! I decided to highlight a few of my favorite things in my purse!

1. My filofax - I can't quite make the transition to keep my calendar and notes on my iPhone.

2. My rewards cards - I am working on getting these into my iPhone.

3. My credit cards - I love the holder, it fits in any purse and holds all of my credit cards.

4. My make up bag - Actually there's no make up in here. This is the carry all for the long list of things above.

5. My favorite lip gloss - Pure Illuminations - It lights up and has a built in mirror on the side.

6. Lano Lip Gloss - Perfect for these cold winter days.

7. Burt's Bees Lip Balm - Heals chapped lips almost instantly.

8. L'Occitane Shea Butter Hand Lotion - The best hand lotion. Thanks to Justin and Lily who gave me a gift box of things from L'Occitane for Christmas.

9. Amazing Grace Roll On Cologne - I love Amazing Grace. It's a such a soft and clean fragrance.

10. My iPhone - We're joined at the hip. I am never far from my phone. I use it for everything. (Except the things mentioned above.) My newest iPhone obsessions are my countdown to Cabo and Angry Birds.

11. My work Blackberry - It's in the bag, Monday through Friday and an occasional Saturday.

Thanks to Ashley for hosting It's In the Bag and giving me the opportunity to show you my bag. You can find links to all of the participants in It's in the Bag on Ashley's blog. Be sure to check out the other blogger's in my group, Postcards and Pretties and MG Style Mix.


  1. You're brave. My purse is a mess. Also - I added a link to the book Soil Mates on my blog, if were still interested!

  2. Cute idea. Purses drive me nuts... whether you have a big hobo bag, or a small clutch, you always seem to have to frantically search for whatever it is that you are looking for. ;) I like Burt's Bees too. And I am with you as far as being unable to transition calendar stuff and such to your phone. I still like my good old-fashioned day-planner. Some aspects of this technological age I guess I am still not ready for. :)

  3. I hesitate to even think what's crawling around in my purse. I usually keep mine pretty small just so I can't fit a ton of junk in there. This purse is great!

  4. Love your purse! I need something with that many compartments -- I'm always digging around at the bottom!

  5. GREAT purse! Thanks for linking to me in your post!
    Mine is now up with your link if you want to check it out!

  6. That is one adorable purse and you are definitely using it to its full potential!


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