
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Favorite Holiday Movie - Pink Saturday

What's your favorite holiday movie? Mine is White Christmas. I love the music and of course the story!
I am linking this to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound.


  1. Definitely a good movie choice. I'm kind of a sucker for all Christmas movies. I think at this time of year I'm in such a good mood that anything appeals to me.

  2. White Christmas is still my #1 Christmas movie. But I really enjoy anything with a holiday theme.

  3. I love Love Actually. It isn't TOTALLY a Christmas movie but close enough!

  4. That is a great Christmas classic. Happy Pink Saturday.

  5. that's my favorite too!! hubs & I watch it while we decorate the tree...and then he runs around the house singing "sisters" all day ;)

  6. This is a great Christmas movie too. There are so many good ones. Have a great Sunday.

  7. Great choice! The setting of the movie was picture perfect for Christmas. I hope you are having a great weekend and were able to find some time to enjoy Pink Saturday. Blessings...Mary

  8. So many pick White Christmas as their favorite Christmas movie. Mine is Scrooge. I love both the Muppet's version and the one with Kelsey Grammer.

  9. Great choice! Mine hands down would have to be A Christmas Story, I still laugh no matter how many times I have seen it!

  10. Your choice is one of my favorites too. I think I was 13 and babysitting on New Year's Eve the first time I saw it! I'm crazy about "It's a Wonderful Life," "A Christmas Carol," and "Home Alone!" I've watched them all while packing boxes. We've had 2 truck go and this next Saturday we hope to be out. Then I will clean!!!!

    My fantasy is to hang out and pop some corn and watch this movie with some of my blog buddies. You're invited!

  11. That's a great holiday movie and I love the music. My second fav is "It's a Wonderful Life." Happy holidays.

  12. A Christmas movie that I HAVE to watch EVERY year is "A Christmas Story". Love it. And of course the old TV specials like Charlie Brown's Christmas, Rudolph, and Frosty are always sentimental favorites.

  13. I love White Christmas too! I used to think it irritated my family when I watched it every year, but now I think they love it too!

  14. Happy happy belated Pink Saturday...yummy recipe! :)


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