
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Countdown to 2011 - Meatless

I am having so much fun participating in SnoWhite's Countdown to 2011. So far this week we've posted our favorite Breakfast, Bread and Soup/Stew recipes. Today we're featuring our favorite meatless recipe of 2011. As I was looking through my recipes, I found more meatless recipes than I remembered. If you're a regular reader of my blog you know my husband Tim doesn't think a meal is meal without MEAT. Although, he's become a lot more receptive to meals without meat. There's even been some he said he liked and would eat again. The key is whether or not he says he would eat it again.

This past summer the basil was basil plentiful in the garden. My favorite meatless recipe, Pasta with Corn and Basil Pesto, incorporates a different ingredient into the pesto, corn. I can't wait until summer to make this recipe again!
There's still time to participate in Countdown to 2011, Main Dishes and Desserts are the posts for Thursday and Friday. Find your favorites and join in!


  1. This looks excellent! I love meatless meals, if it wasn't for the husband, I'd have them WAY more often, thanks!

  2. I like meatless meals, too! This one looks delicious!

  3. This looks really good. I eat more meatless dishes during the summer months.

  4. Julie, this really sounds delicious. As one married to a committed carnivore, I know what you go through getting your husband to try meatless entries. It sounds like you are doing a bit better than me. I hope you can enjoy the remainder of the holiday. Blessings...Mary

  5. I wrote down the pasta recipe - it sound delicious. I love anything with pesto!

  6. This recipe makes me miss all the summer produce! Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  7. Yum, this sounds like a wonderful combination of flavors. You are picking some wonderful things in your countdown!

  8. This looks like a great recipe. We had lots of fresh basil last year. I will have to try it in the spring. Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year!

  9. I'd love this one with homemade pesto :)

  10. This looks awesome. I am bookmarking it to add to the dinner rotation.


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