
Friday, December 31, 2010

Chocolate Pecan Tart - Chocolate With Francois

Am I the only one who's on sweet overload? All of these holiday treats, it's no wonder everyone's New Year's resoltution is to lose weight! This month's CWF recipe, Chocolate Pecan Tart was chosen by the talented baker and blogger, Susan of Baking with Susan! You can find the recipe on her site.

Pecan is Tim's favorite pie. Knowing we didn't need an entire tart, I decided to make 1/4 of the recipe and ended up with one mini tart. Many of the recipes we've made from Payard's book have been really difficult. This is one of the first recipes we've made that I would consider a "normal" recipe. A novice baker could make this recipe. By the standards set in Payard's book, this recipe was almost "easy". Even though I made the tart for Tim, I had to at least try it so I could write about it. This tart is so DELICIOUS, a perfect balance of chocolate and pecans. I will be making this recipe again.

You can find the links to the other CWF bakers tarts here.


  1. I can't really even think about sweets right now but this sounds too delicious not to comment! I adore pecan pie and this looks even better with chocolate added!

  2. Looks and sound wonderful. How smart to make only 1/4 of the pie; perfect for 2 Thank you.

  3. This sounds delicious! Happy New Year!

  4. It was fantastic. I think this one is my favorite Payard recipe so far. But then - I'm a sucker for pecan pie.
    I'm making it again as well. Too good! Forget all weight loss goals when this tart is around.


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