
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Philly Spaghetti

Have you ever made any of the recipes on the inside of the Philadelphia Cream Cheese package? I think 99% of the recipes I've seen on there are for desserts or some sort of dip. When I saw this recipe for Philly Spaghetti, I was intriqued. I couldn't decide if it sounded good or awful. I was a little reluctant but decided to give it a try.

I am so glad I did. This spaghetti is delicious. The cream cheese adds another dimension to the flavor.

Philly Spaghetti
Recipe Courtesy of Kraft
3/4 lb. spaghetti, uncooked
1 lb. lean ground beef
1 jar (24 oz.) spaghetti sauce
4 oz. (1/2 of 8-oz. pkg.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, cubed
2 Tbsp. KRAFT Grated Parmesan Cheese
How to make it
Cook spaghetti as directed on package.
Meanwhile, brown meat in large skillet; drain. Return meat to skillet. Stir in sauce and cream cheese; cook on low heat 3 to 5 min. or until sauce is well blended and heated through, stirring frequently.
Drain spaghetti. Add to sauce; mix lightly. Place on platter; top with Parmesan.


  1. I've seen this recipe many times and wondered how good it was. I'm so glad to see this rave review!

  2. I was intrigued by the name of your post and had to look. I think we will try this for sure!

  3. Yum - so simple and tasty! Thanks for sharing!

  4. So funny.... I just saw that recipe last week when I was making my cream cheese cranberry muffins and wondered how it would taste. It looks delicious!

  5. That. looks. amazing!

  6. It looks so taty I have to try this; just add 4 oz of cream cheese to my spaghetti saue; amazing.almost makes the sauce rosé which I love.

  7. I've seen that recipe in magazine adds and was always curious! Thanks for the great review, I'd definitely try it now, yours looks delicious!

  8. Julie, this sounds creamy and dare I say rich? I think my family would enjoy this easy, jazzed up pasta. Thanks for the heads up!

  9. Cream cheese in spaghetti. That sounds really interesting and really good.

  10. I LOVE this, it looks fantastic!

    Do you want to submit it to Presto Pasta Nights? I'm hosting this week, here are the details in this post! Thanks!

  11. Great suggestion. I don't often try recipes posted on product boxes, but this one is worth a try!

  12. Great simple meal.
    The only recipe I ever noticed was the one for their cheesecake. But I guess I don't buy cream cheese too often.

  13. I have always wondered about this recipe. Now that it got your seal of approval, I must try it.

  14. Yum!! I am going to have to try this. It looks so delicious!!

  15. I have never seen one for spaghetti. Thanks for sharing this, I will have to give it a try because it looks insanely good.

  16. I could not imagine putting anything like this together before now...but seeing the recipe, I can't imagine how I've not made this before. Looks awesome.


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