
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!!

Are you decorating for the holidays this weekend? Tim put the outside decorations up last weekend. We're traveling so the indoor decorations will have to wait until next weekend. If I had room for another tree, this is the one I would buy!
I am linking this to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound!!


  1. Good Morning Sweetie...
    Happy Pink Saturday and a gorgeous share. It is a
    beautiful tree. Can't you see it all decked out in color? Thanks for sharing.

    Have a beautiful weekend. The holidays are here. I just can't believe it. Another year flown by.
    Many hugs, Sherry

  2. Looks like they've got ever color imaginable-how fun!

  3. LOVE that tree !!! Where on earth did you see all those colored trees? hugz:) and Happy Pink Saturday

  4. WOW!! That is quite the row of colorful trees. I am loving that pink one too!! Have a wonderful trip. The decorations can wait (mine are!). Happy Pink Saturday!!

  5. The pink tree is pretty. I'm amazed at the colors of trees they now have. Wouldn't it be fun to have a different color in each room?
    Happy PS!

  6. I agree, I am wanting to get a little pink tree too. This one is gorgeous. I don't know that I can store much more though! Happy Pink Saturday.

  7. That's a pretty pink tree. Happy Pink Saturday.

  8. Thank you, Julie, for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Your Christmas trees are very festive. I hope you have a great week and beautiful holiday season!

  9. So pretty! Yes, I'm getting out some of my decorations this weekend. It's fun to get started!

  10. There is no denying that that is pink :-). I hope you had a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  11. Yes We decorated this past weekend; not as much as I used to when my kids were here, but I still love to see the festive touches.


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