
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ginger Custard Pumpkin Crustless Pie

Don't forget to enter my giveaway here!!
I was going to skip this week's SMS until I read everyone's reviews about how delicious this is and realized I had some leftover pumpkin in the fridge. Since pie crust and I aren't friends, I decided to go crustless and make these in ramekins.

The recipe calls for scalding the cream. I am sure I've made recipes before where scalding is required? I was curious, though, what is scalding? "To heat a liquid, generally referring to milk or cream, to just below the boiling point. It should be heated just until tiny bubbles begin to form at the very edges. "

I whisked the eggs for this recipe by hand. Are you watching Top Chef, Just Desserts? In the relay race two weeks ago, the contestants were challenged to whip 6 six egg whites to hold upside down for 10 seconds. That's amazing!!

I baked these in a water bath for about 25 minutes. I think they could have baked a few minutes longer. While I thought these were delicious, I was hoping the cinnamon and ginger flavors would be stronger. I could barely taste them. Maybe steeping longer would have helped? This recipe is a nice change from my standard pumpkin pie recipe.

Thanks to Debbie of Everday Blessings of Five Dees for hosting this week. You can find the recipe on her blog. If you'd like to see what the other SMS bakers created this week, go here!


  1. That sounds wonderful! By the way I made the pumpkin/sage bread and it's really good. I used up the sage in my herb garden before the frost hit!

  2. Great idea to go crustless! It looks fantastic, I have such a craving for pumpkin now!

  3. I skipped it this week and now I'm beating myself up over it. Yours looks amazing Julie :)

  4. What a fun variation! I love the no-crust idea. I steeped my crushed cinnamon and ginger longer then called for and I still wished the spices had a stronger presence. Overall, still delicious!

  5. Your ramekins look great. I had trouble with my spices on the other end of the spectrum. I thought the ginger flavor was too strong. Can't win them all I guess. But I really loved the texture.

  6. I love your waterbath idea. I didn't even think of that. Maybe that would have helped my custard set a bit better. Looks great!

  7. I really love your idea! I just bought new ramekins and looking for ideas to use them; this recipe looks great.

  8. That looks delicious. I guess you could adjust the spices if you do it again. I love to go to bakeries and hubby is not a sweet eater so I doubt I'll try this one.

  9. I love that this is a crustless pie recipe because I'm crust challenged too. It looks delicious.

  10. How delicious! I love the custard-y feel of this type of dessert.

  11. I love Top Chef Desserts!! I thought that challenge was pretty amazing too - I think I'd tire long before my egg whites reached that point :)

    Your custard looks terrific. I sort of wish I'd gone crustless too as pie crust and I just weren't getting along this week!

  12. Looks great! I love Top Chef Desserts.


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