
Friday, October 15, 2010

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes with Honey Cinnamon Icing - MSC

Do you like snickerdoodles? Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookies. I was so excited when I saw the September recipe for MSC was Snickerdoodle Cupcakes. YUM!!!!!

I've been baking with the MSC cupcake group for about a year. Many of the cupcakes have been too dry for my tastes. I think at first I was leaving them in the oven too long. Even after I corrected that, I still felt like they were too dry. Sue Woodhouse of Cupcakes Actually was on Living Today on Martha radio a couple of weeks ago. She addressed the subject of cupcakes being too dry. She suggests adding canola oil and buttermilk. I must admit, I adapted this recipe to include those two ingredients. I still think I left them in the oven too long, when will I learn? They're not as dry but still not as moist as I would like.

The Martha recipe calls for the cupcakes to be frosted with Seven Minute Frosting. I wanted to continue with the cinnamon theme. I made Martha's Honey Cinnamon Frosting. It was the perfect compliment to the cinnamon flavor of these cupcakes.

This month's recipe was chosen by the talented Katie of Katiecakes. You can find links to the other MSC bakers here.

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.


  1. OH Julie, you're killing me with these! I guess turn-about is fair play! These look and sound soooo good. Have a wonderful weekend and come up with something low-carb for your favorite spud, please!

  2. These sound really incredible! Your frosting is piped beautifully. I just made honey-cinnamon buttercream for the first time recently (I put it on apple cake) delicious, isn't it?

  3. Those look terrific! mine are never pretty. probably because i let a 4 yo help ;) I've had to adapt some recipes because of humidity issues, so I know your pain of trying to figure out the right combo!

  4. I love snickerdoodles in any form. These look tasty.

  5. They look so good! I love the cookie so I'd love the cupcake!

  6. They look so good and that name makes me want to take a bite; great photo.

  7. I totally agree with you, they do tend to be on the dry side. A couple have not, including this one, but some of them were very dry, almost muffinish. Good to know on the tip to moisten them up a bit. Yours look so cute in their Halloween outfits. Love the frosting and what you did with that as well. Win, win, win over here!

  8. I love the way you piped your frosting! They look delicious!

  9. Wow, honey cinnamon frosting! Now that would have been heavenly, I bet! I went without any frosting because my kids don't usually eat it but I would have loved it! Now that one's on my list to try. They look adorable!

  10. Thanks for the wishes. Love the cupcakes! Norm likes Jeff Gordon.

  11. Snickerdoodles... always a favorite... and now as a cupcake. Marvellous!

  12. Ooh, Honey cinnamon icing. Sounds great!


  13. You did a great job on piping the frosting! Would you believe I've never had a Snickerdoodle? I love the sound of the cinnamon though so I'm going to check out this recipe!

  14. I discovered snickerdoodles earlier this year and fell in love with them. From what I see here, I'm sure I would fall for these cupcakes as well.


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