
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!

Isn't this a beautiful picture? I wish I could take credit but I was out of pink's in the picture file. I found this one on Wikimedia. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Pink Satuday!
We're camping this weekend. Savoring every moment of this beautiful fall weather! What's your favorite thing about fall?


  1. Love the coler weather meaning comfort food time, the golorious leaves, fall mums. Guess what, I just love Fall.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Have fun on your camping trick! Enjoy the fall foliage! Pretty picture :P

  3. You found a very pretty in pink picture!
    My favorite thing about fall is the cooler temps and the colors, so beautiful! and the food is good, too! Enjoy your camping!

  4. What a pretty picture! Hope you have a wonderful time camping!

  5. You went camping over the weekend, how fun! Love the pink flowers in the picture. My favorite Fall moments are when our gigantic Maple tree's leaves all change colors before falling to the ground.

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving the wonderful comments on the cashew brittle and ice cream.


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