
Thursday, October 28, 2010

From The Good Life

Have you had your first hard frost this year? The average first frost in Omaha is 9/23. We've been so lucky this fall, we're having our first frost tonight.

The one armed scarecrow! The wind in Nebraska is hard on him!

My oregano and sage. I am hoping if I cover it with straw, it will come back next year.
What's still growing in your yard?


  1. We're having unusually warm weather and I still have all my herbs, and surprising to me, impatiens and geraniums still growing well.

    Poor scarecrow!

  2. Love that Scare Crow. Does your sage and oregano survive? We are lucky if our chives come back the following year. It is cold up here in the winter.

  3. We haven't had a frost yet. I'd expect one sometime in early to mid November. What beautiful photos of your yard!

  4. Oregano should come back, not sure about sage! We have not had a killing frost as yet either. Our weather has been pretty's colder today, but sunny good for the guys to work in the backyard. Love the scarecrow. Never got mine out this year...

  5. Because we're expecting a hard freeze tonight too,I made hubby dig up my herbs when he got home from work tonight in hopes that if I put them in pots in my sunny kitchen I can at least keep them alive until Thanksgiving (which is basically the main reason I even grew sage.)

  6. No frost in Toronto yet although it is supposed to go down to freezing this weekend. Love your scarecrow!

  7. I know, I've been loving the great weather we've been having this fall. Unfortunately, I think we've been living on borrowed time. Fingers crossed for a better winter!

  8. Frosts are a little rare where I live - we only get them in the middle of winter. But they're a little magical, to see everything touched by those ghostly white fingers..
    My parents still have their oregano and mint growing :)


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