
Thursday, October 21, 2010

From The Good Life

I've lived in the midwest all of my life. I can't remember a fall as beautiful as this one. We've had sunny, temperate weekends. I just want to savor every moment of the amazing weather!! Knowing this past weekend could be one of our last really nice weekends, we tried to be outside as much as possible. Saturday we visited Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha's botanical garden.

Many of the flowers were past their prime but the roses were still beautiful.

"The Garden in the Glen", an area featuring shade plants.

What was your favorite outing this fall?


  1. Gorgeous photos! Makes me which I was back in the states for another (Virginia) fall. :)

    My favorite outing, as mediocre and domestic as it sounds, was actually to the commissary on base here to buy my first butternut squash (the platform for some new fall recipes!). It was the same trip I discovered that the Marine Corps thinks it's important enough to have pumpkins sent over here to Japan! :)

  2. Fall is so beautiful and so are your photos.I love going to the park at the lake; we have one downtown. Last week was perfect,but since then we've had frost, a wind and hail storm. Our trees are almsot bare. I love the title of your post. From the Good Life.

  3. How beautiful, Julie. I may be experiencing my favorite right now...will share pix soon!

    Hugs from Idaho

  4. There's something almost magical about's such a beautiful time of year! Gorgeous pictures, Julie. That tree is really beautiful!

  5. What beautiful photos! My favorite outing this fall was a family hike north of the city. The leaves were changing colors and it was a beautiful sunny fall day. Gorgeous!

  6. Beautiful photo's! It is such a pretty time of year!

  7. Fall is definitely my favorite time of the year. I'm always ready to escape from the heat of summer and I too LOVE all the different colors nature provides for us this time of year. This year the weekends have been really, really nice here and it's been wonderful to be outside and enjoy the weather and the scenery.

  8. That fall scenery is so gorgeous! You are a great photographer.


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