
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Penne With Sage Brown Butter Sauce

We've all experienced it, life getting in the way of blogging. I feel like I have a good routine for blogging. For the most part, my posts come together pretty easily. I try to plan out my posts for the week and whenever possible bake for my baking groups in advance. This week wasn't one of those weeks. We were out of town last weekend. I've been working on securing in home help for my 91 year old father and step mother. Life just got in the way!

As I was looking through my drafts folder, I find I have drafts with photos but no content. I was pleased to see NO dessert recipes in the folder. I think that's a first. :) Lots of pasta recipes in there though, guess you can't win them all! I don't consider myself a writer. I often find myself struggling with what to write and where to find my inspiration. There's so many of you who write beautiful, funny and inspiring blog posts. Where do you get your inspiration?

With winter just around the corner, I am savoring the fresh ingredients from my garden and the farmer's market. My sage seems to be thriving in the cooler weather. Pasta With Sage Brown Butter Sauce is on my Top 50 list! It's always a good feeling to post a date next to an item on my list. Don't you just love browned butter and the flavor it imparts?

Pasta With Sage Brown Butter Sauce
Recipe courtesy of Sidewalk Shoes

•6 tablespoons butter
•20 or 30 fresh sage leaves (or 1 tablespoon dried)
•salt and fresh black pepper to taste
•1 pound pasta (like ziti or penne)
•1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
•Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the sage, salt and pepper. Cook until the butter turns light brown, about 10 minutes.

Salt the boiling water and cook the pasta per package directions. Reserve 2 or 3 tablespoons of the pasta water and place in a warm serving bowl. Drain the pasta and in the serving bowl, toss it with the butter mixture and half the Parmesan cheese. Serve with additional ground black pepper and the rest of the Parmesan cheese.

Serves 4

I am linking this recipe to Foodie Friday's. I am submitting this to Presto Pasta Night's, hosted this week by Ruth at 4Every Kitchen.


  1. Life has a way of happening. The pasta dish is lovely.

    I could not imagine a cold Nebraska winter-brrr!

  2. I love sage!! What a wonderful recipe. I invite you to link this up at my Vegetarian Foodie Fridays Carnival. I hope to see you there!

  3. yum, I was looking for something to fix this weekend with a change in our normal flavor choices - this is it!
    thanks, dana

  4. for some reason blogland is not letting me view the creme brulee bars .... my mouth is watering...and I WILL check back later to see if it appears!

  5. Life does tend to get in the happens to us all.
    I think this is one of the nicest, simplest pasta dishes I've seen in quite a while. Easy on a busy night. Sage is a marvelous flavor and unusual to pair with pasta.

  6. Looks so good! I didn't grow sage, I think that will change next summer!

    and yes, true, life does get in the way sometimes for all of us! Hope things work out!

  7. My sage plant is always prolific... and sage brown butter is a great way to use it.

    I know what you mean about trying to find inspiration... I struggle with that all the time.

  8. Sage and brown butter is really a magical combination! What a satisfying pasta dish.

  9. Mmm browned butter is a glorious glorious thing. I love the sound of this pasta dish.

    Ugh can I TELL you about life getting in the way! Doesn't it realizing that blogging is a priority?!?!? SHEESH!

  10. I will miss my herb garden when we have our first frost here in Wisconsin (which could happen any day now!). The title of this recipe really caught my attention - it sounds wonderful.

    Sometimes life gets in the way of cooking!

  11. Love brown butter sauce and I have lots of fresh sage right now. This looks so fast and easy. Lovin it.

  12. Hmmm - I am in the midst of carbo loading right now in preparation for a marathon I am running on Sunday and I think I just found what I'm having for dinner tonight. Thanks Jules :)


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