
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pancakes - Sweet Melissa Sunday's

Don't forget to join Gnee of Singing With Birds and me for our So Long Summer BlogBBQ.

Do you have houseguests this holiday weekend? If so, this recipe would be an awesome treat for your guests. Years ago there was a restaurant in Kansas City called the Magic Pan. They served crepes. I loved eating there. You could have savory crepes for dinner and sweet crepes for dessert. I was inspired to learn how to make crepes. I found the right pan and used a recipe for blintzes. It's all in the swirl and I had it down!! I haven't made crepes in years and I mean years. I bet it's been 30 years. Do I still have what it takes for the swirl?

I made one fourth of this recipe, figuring I would get 5 pancakes. My skillet must have been larger, I only ended up with enough for two pancakes. Swirling was a breeze...flipping, not so much. One of the pancakes ripped when I removed it from the skillet. I filled my one pancake with homemade chunky applesauce. These pancakes are light and delicious. I can't wait to make them again. There's so many possibilities for fillings, sweet and savory!

This week's recipe was chosen by Jaime of Good Eats and Sweet Treats. You can find the recipe on her blog! Jaime, thanks for choosing one that brought back great memories for me! Check out the creations of the other SMS bakers here!


  1. Your crepes look gorgeous! They would definitely make a great meal for company. I love how versatile the fillings are!

  2. Your Apple filling looks beautiful! I made the full recipe and ended up with 11 crêpes!

  3. apple sauce filling is a great idea! I'll have to keep that in mind when I make them next! I got considerably less than the recipe stated as well... I halved it thinking I'd get 10 but i BARELY got 6. Strange!

  4. Your crepes look great and I love your homemade applesauce! I had trouble turning my crepes too (they kept trying to tear). I finally pulled out the Pam and that seemed to help.

  5. Looks delicious! Great idea to use homemade applesauce.

  6. that apple filling looks delicious! thanks for joining me this week! :)

  7. Your apple filling sounds delicious. I also made a quarter recipe but ended with 4 crepes instead of 5.

  8. Your crepes look amazing! I remember the Magic Pan, we had one, too!

  9. The apple filling looks delicious! It's fun seeing all the different fillings people try. I made a half recipe and got six and a half crepes.

  10. Apple filling sounds amazing! So many possibilites with these! Your crepes look great!

  11. Oh my - too bad I didn't get around to making these. They looks so delicious. Now I know what I will be making for breakfast next weekend.

  12. Ooh, this looks so yummy! I actually was dying to go to Magic Pan for years. One day, I finally had the chance to go and it was closed! So disappointing! But at least we can make our own now : )

  13. I have never had crepes, but they do look delicious! Apple filling sounds really good about this time of year.

  14. This could be better than apple pie! What a delightful recipe and great start to any morning.


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