
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Join Us For the So Long Summer BlogBBQ

Today is the first day of Gnee of Singing With Birds and my So Long Summer BlogBBQ. Please join us and share your recipes, tablescapes or invites. What do you have planned for this weekend?

Party Games and Rules:
Link to a post and not your general blog
(so others can find your recipe after the party's over)
It doesn't have to be a new post, just share a favorite from this summer!

Post all you'd like between September 2nd and 6th.

No Party Crashers: Etsy shops, giveaways or linky parties, please!

Please link back to the party on your post!

OK, it's your turn!
What did you bring? Thanks for coming and have fun!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is a great idea. I'm sure there will be lots of participants. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  3. Sounds like some great recipes already. I'll have to check out what every one posts.

  4. I'm having the whole family here for the weekend, but we're keeping it very simple. Grilled burgers and brats for lunch and we're ordering pizza for dinner. How's that for making MY life easy!

    Have a great Labor Day!

  5. This is a fun party! I love the thumbnails!

  6. Gnee at Singing With Birds gets all the credit for the great thumbnails!

  7. YUM! There are lots of delicious things posted here. I am trying to think of something to contribute. What a great party!! Thanks for hosting.

  8. This is great. I've got several more recipes bookmarked now. Thanks Julie!

  9. Great BBQ party! I linked up some of my favorite summer recipes! I'll come back at the end of the week and check the rest out, thanks!


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