
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!!

Since the pink flowers in my yard are done for the year, I am sharing some beautiful pinks from our vacation last January.

Taken in Fort Lauderdale, does anyone know what flower this is?

Taken in Roatan, Honduras. Our guide told us what flower this is but I can't remember.

I am linking this to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound!!


  1. Hi Julie, Happy Pink Saturday! Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I can solve both mysteries for you! The first flower is a Bottle Brush (Latin: Callistemon Citrinus) and the second is an Hibiscus, double form but I don't know the specific name of this variety. Have a wonderful weekend, Nan

  2. How beautiful! Your photos are gorgeous and perfect for Pink Saturday. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  3. What lovely pink flowers. Such lush green foliage. Your photos are wonderful.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  4. Pretty 'n Pink! Just lovely, Julie.

  5. pretty pink flowers, happy Pink Saturday Julie.

  6. What beautiful flowers! I love the first one. Happy PS!

  7. Beautiful flowers! Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Love that first flower! I want to thank you for coming by my post on Pink Saturday. It was so fun getting to be showcased and meet some new bloggers. Debbie

  9. Lovely blooms. Hope you are having a great week.


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