
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Roasted Roma Tomatoes

Did you plant tomatoes this summer? We planted a chocolate cherry, a roma and a slicing tomato. All three plants have done well but the roma produced like crazy.

Roma’s make wonderful tomato sauce but aren’t the best slicing tomato. I plan to make sauce and sun dried tomatoes . How could I use them for a side dish? I found this recipe on the ever popular Pioneer Woman Cooks. I may have cooked mine a little long, a couple of them kind of exploded on the baking sheet. Although we love Caprese Salad, these were a nice change.

I am linking this to Tasty Tuesday's, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday's and Tuesday's at the Table.


  1. These look good! I am going to give them a try! Our Roma plant really produced this year too!! Stopping by from Tasty Tuesday!

  2. I planted romas last year, but they were so mealy I didn't bother again. I have been baking some of the "slicing" tomatoes, but they're too watery. I guess I need to plant romas again :)

  3. I pretty much like tomato anything! Roasted Romas sounds delicious, and my garden is working on ripening my Romas even as I write. :-)

    Found you on Blessed With Grace

  4. I have some tomatoes, none that we grew, sad to say, but roasting makes even yucky store bought tomatoes taste so good! and that recipe will be perfect to use them up! Thanks! Your looks delicious!

  5. Looks super delicious Julie :)

  6. We planted four roma plants and I've made every sauce I can think of, including ketchup. I'm bookmarking this recipe to use as an appetizer for our guests next weekend!

  7. Those sound and look delicious!

  8. new recipe on me thanks for sharing looks delicious is it not a wonder all the great things we can make from those wonderful tomatoes

  9. great recipe, we use alot of roma tomatoes, will have to try this, looks superb


  10. Those look amazing!! They'd be yummy with a touch of mozzarella on top too.

  11. Roasted Roma tomatoes... they look AMAZING! I love it. Thanks for sharing this Julie.


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