
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Torte - SMS

Our friends Karen and Larry are visiting this weekend. When I read this week's SMS recipe, I knew it would be the perfect dessert for Saturday night's dinner. Chocolate and Raspberries...YUM!!

This recipe is fairly simple to prepare. It doesn't have a lot of ingredients or a long preparation time. I had a hard time deciding when my eggs had reached soft peaks. I think I stopped before they had reached that point. As I folded in the first half, they seemed really runny. At that point, I decided to continue. As I combined the eggs with the chocolate mixture, the texture was strange. Almost lumpy but not actually lumps. Did some of my eggs cook when combining with the chocolate? I had one of those "Oh No" momemts where I thought this was going to be a flop. I used a 9" pan, which was too big. My torte was thin with raspberries poking throught. As well I think I should have cooked it for a shorter time. The texture was almost crumbly. Despite the texture and how thin it was, the dessert was delicious. I would have liked it with a small scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.

Thanks to Jennifer of The Rookie Baker for choosing this week's recipe. You can find the links to take a look at all of the other SMS baker's torte's here.


  1. Now THIS is my kinda dessert ... chocolate & raspberries ... YUM! Do you have any leftovers?
    Chuckle! Lovely, Julie.

    Have a lovely summer day ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. Looks great! I used a 8" pan and the torte was sinking a bit at where the raspberries were. I think the torte looks great with the raspberries sticking out!

  3. I had the same moment whipping the eggs. Your torte looks delicious and what a great finale dessert to your Saturday evening with friends. The scoop of vanilla ice cream "does" sound like a perfect accompaniment.

  4. Chocolate and raspberries, delicious combination! Your torte looks fantastic!

  5. This is my third try to get this out.

    Wonderful dessert. This is to be repeated several times; it is that good.

  6. Your torte looks good even though you had a "oh no" moment. I had a few "oh no" moments. lol

  7. I had a hard time with the eggs too! I kept beating and beating and beating, and I finally just figured that was good enough and used them!

  8. Glad you enjoyed this one! Looks great!

  9. So glad you enjoyed this! I had the same issue with the eggs, but thankfully everything turned out okay. Thanks for baking with me this week!

  10. You did really well with this challenge and, more importantly, it sounds like you had fun making that glorious torte. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary.

  11. Glad you ended up enjoying the torte in the end. It seems like everyone enjoyed this recipe, so it may have to go into my "to try" pile.

    I am back in NE. I'm in Crete now, about 20 miles southwest of Lincoln. It definitely is hot! I've been joking that somebody upstairs is trying to get me accustomed to the AZ heat =)

  12. Julie,

    We need to host a buffet together! This dense, rich chocolate torte with a fresh raspberry garnish is amazing...Hope it's been a really great day for you!

  13. Girl... this looks fabulous.

  14. The tart looks great! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who had no idea if my eggs were ready; I felt like I'd whipped them for quite a while and they still weren't forming peaks!

  15. I asked my wife to make me a torte. And she asked me what it was???? The Landscaper!!

  16. Yours turned out pretty great! I used an 8 1/2" pan and I thought it was too big. I wish I had split it up into 2 smaller ones!

  17. I am so glad it was delicious. I hate that when I am not sure it is going to turn out. I hate it even more when it actually doesn't! Hope they all felt spoiled by your lovely dessert. I agree, I always want to cut the super chocolate with vanilla ice cream.

  18. It looks delicious! Chocolate and raspberries are two of my favorites so this is great!

  19. Its like I have deja vu! These were my excact thought processes as I was making it. We even had the same problems!! Soul-bakers? ;)

    It was good, but not my favorite one. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!


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