
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pink Saturday & Chocolate With Francois

It's not often that I have two blogging events on the same day! Today's one of those days. Both of these events deserve their own post. However, this blogger saved Chocolate With Francois until the last minute and after a long week at work didn't have the energy for two posts.

First we have Pink Saturday! Today I am featuring a beautiful pink flower from my garden. I have seen these called "Dinner Plate Hibiscus". This description is so fitting, these flowers are the size of dinner plates.

Now we're switching from beautiful pink flowers to delicious chocolate treats. This month's Chocolate With Francois creation is Chocolate Beignets. I love beignets but I have never made them. They're actually on my Top 50.

Since these need to be eaten right away, I decided to make 1/4 of the recipe. I had a little trouble with my math skills and ended up making the yeast mixture three times before I got it right. I know my division was accurate but the batter was way too thick. There was no way you could dip anything into the mixture. I added more beer until it was the consistency of a batter to be used for frying. I didn't feel like my ganache set up like it should but that could have been because of the heat and humidity. Once the ganache is set you roll the balls in egg, dip them in bread crumbs and then in the batter. This seemed more like something you would do for a main dish than a dessert but I assume it's to help keep the chocolate together while frying in the oil. The recipe called for a creme anglaise as a dipping sauce. It was already getting late so I skipped the creme anglaise.

Finally after an hour in the freezer, time to fry them. A couple of mine, exploded in the oil, maybe I didn't get enough bread crumbs around the chocolate? I had quite a bit of leftover batter. I put it in the fridge and am hoping to thin it down just a bit and make onion rings tomorrow night.

The verdict...I liked them but I didn't love them. They didn't really taste like a traditional beignet.This recipe is the pick of Julie from Always Leave Room for Dessert. If you want to give these a try, you'll find the recipe on her blog. Stop by Chocolate With Francois and see what the other members had to say!


  1. Julie - LOVE YOUR FLOWER. I would like to copy the pic and use in a painting - would you allow that - please don't be shy in saying no if you would rather not. The beignet's are too much work for me - but sound interesting.
    Happy PS (I too combined a double post today)

  2. The flower is beautiful, how pretty in pink your garden must be. I just got out from the hospital and am catching up with my pink blogging posts and friends. Please come by for a visit and see all the pinkalicious going on!

    Happy PS!


  3. Gorgeous flower.
    We really enjoyed the beignets. They aren't something we indulge in very often so these were a special treat.

  4. My hibiscus aren't in bloom yet, but when they do, wow! Mine are a dark pink. I was really curious about the chocolate beignets. I will have to see what other people thought. Really, I'd like to try one right now, just to see, or maybe I just want some chocolate seeing your pictures.

  5. What a beautiful hibiscus!! I never have tried growing this plant though I am sure it would have to be wintered over inside here for isn't it a tropical plant?

    bee blessed

  6. Beautiful beignets! I'm with you, they were good but I'm not sure I would make them again. Of course there are just two of us here and I should have quartered the recipe like you did. You really have to eat them immediately don't you? good idea about the onion rings!!

  7. G'eve Julie ~ I'll take a bouquet of those gorgeous pink hibiscus with my beignets ... outside in your garden would be lovely. We can sit & chat as I enjoy your company ...

    Have a lovely PINK summer's eve ~
    TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

  8. I am not sure i will love these either..with the recipe... but i am (hopefully) going to make mine today..I am always behind!

  9. That is one beautiful flour. I think, we see more, on the photos than in real life. Maybe, it is that we have more time to look at it, without the wind blowing and changing its position. All, I really wanted to say is that it is a gorgeous photo.

  10. The hibiscus is gorgeous but those beignets look awfully good as well. You've given us food for the body and the soul. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  11. Happy belated pink day. Love your flower.

  12. I am in love with your hibiscus flower. How gorgeous and stunning! Love your chocolate beignets too. Sorry they were not your favorite but at least you quartered the recipe so there were not a huge amount sitting in your kitchen. I know the feeling =).

  13. I love everything that comes out of your garden. That flower looks gorgeous.

  14. I never had a beignet so I couldn't compare but I think I'd love those chocolate ones, looks delicious!

    and a gorgeous flower! So pretty!

  15. love the flower! the chocolate looks delicious with the powdered sugar~

  16. Pretty flower. Happy belated Pink Saturday!!

  17. Julie,

    I love rubarb, I gave a lady some from my garden and she made me a wonderful pie. I know you like to go to the local wine bar in your town, be careful cause I heard there is a guy that likes to steal the wine that others have purchased. L. S.


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