
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rhubarb Pie - Foodie Friday

What do you think of when you think of Rhubarb? Everything I’ve been reading recently describes rhubarb as the pie plant. When I think of pies, I think of custard and chocolate. I can’t make a good pie crust, so I don’t bake many pies. Pie crust is on my list of cooking challenges to conquer.

Our good friend, Lynn gave me a large bag of rhubarb from his garden. The night he gave it to me, we discussed what we thought of when thinking of rhubarb. Lynn’s answer was pie. When I think of rhubarb pie, I think of strawberry/rhubarb pie. I asked Lynn and he said nope just plain rhubarb. I chopped it all up and began contemplating what to make. I made a Rhubarb Betty and had enough to make Lynn his plain rhubarb pie.

I started searching for rhubarb pie recipes and was amazed at how simple they all are. I settled on Martha Stewart’s recipe. I liked that it had a crumble topping instead of a second crust. I wish I could say, I worked on conquering that fear of pie crust with this pie but not so much! When you give someone a pie, you want it to be good, right? To be sure the crust was good; I purchased the ready made kind in the box.

I had leftover rhubarb mixture and crumble, so I made a couple of crumbles. Not being a big rhubarb fan, I wasn’t sure if I would like the crumble. I enjoyed this dessert. It was tart but not too tart and had a nice flavor. Lynn said the pie was awesome and wondered what I was bringing him for dessert next week next week.

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.


  1. I love rhubarb! And your pie looks spectacular. I think the crumb topping would taste much better than a second crust, because it would be sweeter.
    I'm heading over to visit Martha for the recipe. I just got rhubarb to to make strawberry rhubarb jam.

  2. I'm definitely a fan of rhubarb in pies. Yum!

    I use a pretty simple pie-crust recipe (made with oil instead of butter). You should give it a try:

  3. Such a classic. Happy Foodie Friday.


  4. This reminds me of my mom's rhubarb crisp. I'm quite melancholy right now because I haven't had rhubarb for probably 25 years due to hubby's dislike. Therefore, I'll be in Nebraska tomorrow to eat a piece of your pie. Don't even try to argue... it's called being neighborly...LOL!

  5. This looks perfect. I love rhubarb pie and this certainly is the right time to bake with it. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  6. Your pie looks like it turned out great. I love rhubarb in desserts, but haven't found any this year. :-( My husband's mom makes a rhubarb quick bread with a crumble topping that is really good too.

  7. Your pie looks amazing Julie :)


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