
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chocolate Orange Macaroons - SMS

I've never made Macaroons. Aren't they one of those cookies you either like or you don't, maybe because of the coconut? I don't love coconut so I am sure that's why I haven't made them before. This worked out well because I needed something to bring to a baby shower at work.

What a fun and easy recipe to make! Anytime you can mix with you hands, it's just so theraputic! The instructions called for a fine chop on the chocolate. That's hard to do. I ended up with a few pieces that were bigger than others but in the end it was fine. I loved the way the orange and coconut looked together. When I first mixed the egg whites into the mixture, it seemed dry. As I continued to mix, the mixture became more moist.

Seems I always cut SMS recipes in half. This week I made the whole recipe and ended up with 21 cookies. Does anyone ever get the exact number the recipe says? I made one sheet on parchment and one sheet on a silpat. They turned out much better when baked on the parchment. They didn't seem to crisp up as much on the silpat. The bottoms still seemed a little wet.

Of course, I had to taste one. I liked them but wish they had less orange and more chocolate flavor. I loved the texture and richness of the cookies. Next time I would like to try the recipe with lemon zest.

This week's recipe was chosen by Ellen of Blue Tree Green Heart. You can find the recipe on her site. Check out the rest of the SMS bakers macaroons here!


  1. I think I may try these with lemon zest too!
    Nice shot.


  2. Working with your hands in the kitchen is the absolute best.

  3. I've never made macaroons either. I have a family who thinks coconut is poison...LOL

    They do look delicious!

  4. Oh my!!!! Macaoons are my alltime favorite. I will definately try these YUM.
    You asked about the second flower-it's a Lillium-a perinennal and comes in several beautiful colors.

  5. These look amazing. I think I may have given up on the mixing too soon based on your experience...I had found them dry too but just added liquid to compensate.

  6. They look so tasty and I agree getting those hands messy with ingred. is the best therapy around!
    I wish I could have baked this week. My girls both had their wisdom teeth pulled Friday morning. I have been nurse mama for three days now! They are doing good and should be up and running soon!

  7. Your macaroons look like they turned out great for a first run. Mine flattened a little more than I would have liked. I actually made a few of the lemon ones to use up my bag of coconut and actually liked them a bit better!

  8. I was worried about mixing these with my hands, but it worked out and you're right, it was sort of therapeutic :) Your macaroons look terrific! Mine had a ton of orange flavor too but I doubled the zest so I sort of expected them to - interesting to hear it was strong even with half the amount.

  9. Your macaroons look wonderful! I agree with you about the chocolate to orange ratio. I ended up dipping the bottoms of mine in chocolate as well as drizzling some on top. I am a big chocolate person, I definitely liked the extra chocolate punch. :)

  10. YUMMY, I love macaroons, but I have never made them. Yours LOOK yummmmy,,,thanks for sharing

  11. Yours turned out great!! I liked the orange/chocolate combo but there's always room for more chocolate...right??? :-)

  12. your macaroons look great, love chocolate and orange together, I have never gotten the exact number the recipe states, I thought I was the only one..ha ha


  13. i was wondering about baking on silpat vs. parchment. i've been using silpat pretty much for all cookie baking for ease of use, but now i'm wondering if i've been missing out on a crunchier texture. i just imagine going through reams of parchment paper though... i wish i had thought to try, like you, one batch on each! do you use parchment for chocolate chip cookies?

    they look great!

  14. They look delicious! And nope, I have never had the number they say you should have, LOL!

  15. Ohh they look and sound wonderful. I love orange and chocolate together.

    Yummy, I'll bet they were a huge hit!

  16. Nice job on the macaroons, they look perfect! Good question about the number of cookies: I must have made mine really small, because I made a half recipe and got 18! And last week with the thumbprints, I made a half recipe (I guess I always make a half, too) and got way fewer than the recipe said.

  17. You really did a nice job with the macaroons. They look perfect to me. I hope you had a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  18. They look really good! I love macaroons! I never get the number of anything that it says I should :)


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