
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chestnut Honey Madeleines - SMS

One of the few baking pans that isn't in my cupboards is a madeleine pan. In fact, I am not sure I've ever had a madeleine. Curious about the history of madeleines, I looked them up. They're a small sponge cake pastry which originated in the Northeast region of France. Seems there's a couple of stories as to how they began. If you want to read more, you can find the stories here.

Funny, I think I've passed up a madeleine pan several times at Goodwill. At the time, I think I wondered what the pan was used for. Of course, the past few weeks when I wanted to find one, there were none to be found. I decided to use a mini muffin tin and it worked great!!

These are delicious, beautiful bites. They'd be a perfect compliment to afternoon tea. I'm hooked, I will make these again. I'd like to experiment with other flavors of madeleines. Who know's maybe I will even find that pan.

Thanks to Debbie of Cafe Chibita for choosing this wonderful recipe. If you check out the other SMS bakers, I am sure you'll find at least one or two of them owns a madeleine pan.


  1. Perfectly petite and powdered, these look so heavenly. I've never thought of not using a Madeleine pan, but these turned out so pretty. Thanks Julie!

  2. I love madeleines! Yum. I actually don't have a proper madeleine tin but I really should get one now!!! Thanks for posting this and for providing those links too.

    Bets wishes for a lovely week,

  3. They're lovely! Isn't it funny that you see the pan when you don't need it and they don't have it when you do? I'm glad they were yummy and worth repeating.

  4. I have the pans, but I love the look as a mini muffin! They look great! Fabulous idea! Love Madelines but never had chestnut honey, sounds delicious!

  5. The muffins look wonderful. I don't own a madeline pan either. I doubt if I ever will.

  6. Great job on the madeleine muffins, very cute! I thought the flavor on these was great, they were a hit around here too.

  7. Your mini madeleine muffins are so cute! They look wonderful. I had some challenges with mine, but definitely want to give them another go!

  8. Your mini muffins look so delicate and beautiful, who needs a madeleine pan? I have no qualms about making these again in the mini muffin tin.

  9. I just love madeleines. Since my sister gave me molds as a Christmas present one year, I've tried tons of different flavors and a couple different base recipes. I think I've posted madeleines at least 3 times on my blog ;-) I've never tried with chestnut though. That sounds delicious!

  10. Oh wow, your madeleines look absolutely gorgeous in mini muffin form! I love the color on them. I don't think I'd ever had a madeleine until I baked them with another baking group a few years ago. They're still not my favorite treat, but fun to make occasionally. Hope you find that pan soon :)

  11. Your lil beauties came out perfect Julie.

  12. These are quite beautiful!! nice and light! and using a madeleine pan just makes them a bit more fun and festive looking. not to mention easier to dunk in tea ;)

  13. I'm glad you had a chance to make these despite not having a Madeleine pan. They're delicious little morsels, aren't they? :o)

  14. I've never had madelines before and really didn't know what they were either. Thanks for the explanation! Yours look delicious!

  15. I love hte nice rounded tops your have! Mine baked in the muffin tin did not have that round little hat like yours. Strange!

  16. These really sound wonderful and they certainly have great eye appeal. I'll bet they are delicious. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  17. I have a madeleine pan but I actually like your little muffin shape a lot! Thanks to your reminder, I should bake up a batch :)

  18. beautiful little treats ..they would be great for a tea party


  19. Your mini-muffins look awesome! Looks like I can stick a whole one in my mouth and chomp away...:D
    Thanks for baking along, and I'm glad you liked them. :D

  20. I've never had a madeleine before either. I was always worried they were hard cookies. But if they are light cake like things, I may have to give them a try!

  21. I loved these too. Yeah for Madeleines!


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