
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Roasted Radishes - Foodie Friday

After a long, cold winter everyone seemed ready for the opening weekend of the Omaha Farmer's Market. The market begins at 8:00. We arrived around 8:15 and made several trips around the block before we found a parking spot. The stands were filled with lettuce, asparagus, rhubarb, radishes, bedding plants and herbs. I was happy to see all of my favorite vendors with stands at the market again this year.

Aren't these radishes beautiful? Traditionally I use radishes in salads. What else can I do with these radishes? Of course, I googled and found this recipe on Kalyn's Kitchen for Roasted Radishes. Radishes can be strong and even a little bitter. Wonder if roasting them will make them milder and sweeter like it does with other veggies? Yep, it did!!! Even my husband who's not always a fan of unusual vegetable cooking techniques loved these. He had seconds! If you're looking for something different to do with radishes, give this recipe a try!

Roasted Radishes with Soy Sauce and Toasted Sesame Seed
Makes 3-4 servings
Recipe courtesy of Kalyn's Kitchen
Only slightly adapted from Vegetables Every Day by Jack Bishop

20 medium radishes, trimmed and cut into fourths (use all red, or a mixture of red and white)
1 1/2 T roasted peanut oil
1-2 T soy sauce (I used about 1 1/2 T)
2 green onions (scallions) sliced thin
1 T sesame seeds, toasted in a dry pan

Preheat oven to 425 F. Wash radishes, trim ends, peel if needed, and cut into same size pieces. Cut the white icicle radishes into diagonal pieces, and the red ones into half or fourths, depending on how big they were. Cut green onions into thin slices.

Toss radishes with peanut oil, then roast about 20 minutes, stirring one or two times. When radishes are tender and starting to brown, remove from oven, toss with soy sauce to coat and mix in green onion slices. Put back in oven and roast about 5 minutes more.

During final five minutes roasting time, put the sesame seed in a dry pan and toast over hot stove for about 2 minutes, or until starting to brown. Remove radishes from oven, place in serving bowl and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. Serve hot.

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.


  1. I've never had roasted radishes and the recipe sounds wonderful! I can't wait to get to our Farmer's Market to buy some and try it!


  2. The radishes look divine. What an amazing side dish. Perfect. Cheers!

  3. I love radishes, but I've never cooked them before. I'll definitely be trying this recipe - it looks scrumptious!

  4. The radishes are gorgeous and this dish will appear on our table really soon. I love the French breakfast radishes that are in our markets now. I really like your recipes, Julie. I'll be back often to see what else you've been fixing. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  5. I love roasted vegetables, but I have a confession to make here: I have never eaten a radish. I know, I know. It's terrible.

    Maybe this roasted recipe will tempt me to try them! :-)

    Thanks for sharing @ Foodie Friday!

  6. Oh yummy! I usually just have radishes in salad but these sound so good!!!

  7. This looks great! I'm just about to harvest my first radishes this week, so I'll give this a try.


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