
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pumpkin Bread Pudding

My good friend, Larry loves bread pudding. Whenever we get together, I don't need to ask what dessert he would like. I know his answer will be bread pudding. He's pretty much a bread pudding purist. I think it goes back to his childhood. His mom always made bread pudding with the leftover homemade bread. One time years ago, when I first decided to make bread pudding I asked Larry's mom for her recipe. She was such an old fashioned cook, no recipes for her. She said I just take some bread, eggs, milk and cinnamon and mix it all up and bake it. Maybe she said raisins, too. There's a few things I can make without a recipe but baking, I always have to follow a recipe.

I don't know if Larry would like the Pumpkin Bread pudding but we sure did. I made quite a few changes to the recipe. Mostly because of what I did or didn't have on hand. I cut the recipe in half and it worked nicely to fill three ramekins. I had leftover sweetened condensed and evaporated milk from this month's Martha Stewart recipe, Tres Leches Cupcakes. I was wondering what I was going to do with it when I had one of those aha moments. I can use it in the Pumpkin Bread Pudding. When we made the Pumpkin No vanilla beans for me, they're just too expensive. I do want to try vanilla bean paste. I didn't have any whole cloves or fresh ginger. My spice mixture consisted of vanilla extract, a pinch of ground cloves, a pinch of ground ginger and two cinnamon sticks. I felt like the pudding was plenty moist by itself, so I decided to forgo the sauce. We certainly don't need anything else made with cream.

This is a delicious dessert. Kind of fun to have a pumpkin dessert in Springtime. I am going to file this one in my holiday file. This would make a great addition to the Thanksgiving Day table.

Thanks to Carmen of Baking Is My Zen for choosing a great recipe. You can find the links to check out the other SMS bakers here.


  1. Julie,

    Thanks for baking with me!

    Nice variations...


  2. Great minds think alike! I made mine in ramekins too. I love the look of yours! My dad loves bread pudding too. It sounds like he has the same taste as Larry. I made a fancy bread pudding one year and I could tell it was not his thing. He likes a basic old fashioned recipe!

  3. I'm with your friend Larry - bread pudding is one of my favorite desserts. Looks delicious! I love the cinnamon sugar on top and am anxious to try this later today.

  4. i've been wondering what to do w/my leftover milks..great idea!

  5. Oh that sounds very good! We love pumpkin in the Fall!

  6. I was just looking at pumpkin desserts earlier, and I'm glad I saw this! I actually have never had bread pudding but have ALWAYS wanted to!! This looks so good!

  7. I love the changes you made to this one! And it looks fabulous, too. I love it when I can sneak recipe leftovers into other recipes!

  8. Thanks for the tips on the variations - I would definitely go the mini route if I made this one. I did a rewind this week, but maybe when fall comes I'll get around to trying this one and sharing it with some of the bread pudding lovers in my family :) Yours looks great!

  9. These really do look good. I still have 2 cans of pumpkin in the pantry and think this might be a good way to use one of them. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  10. I've never had bread pudding, but your little ramekins definitely look delicious! Sounds like it was well enjoyed by those who were able to make it.

  11. I love pumpkin and this would be great for the fall...


  12. Definitely saving this one for Thanksgiving. It sounds delicious!

  13. This looks awesome-wow. Pumpkim bread pudding could satisfy me any season. I would love it,

  14. Looks so good! I love pumpkin and I love bread pudding, so I'd love pumpkin bread pudding!

  15. Bread pudding...YUM, but Pumpkin Bread pudding..DELICIOUS!! Brilliant!

  16. I definitely can get on board with Larry! I love bread pudding! I agree with you, I think this will be making an appearance for Thanksgiving!

  17. Looks divine! I've never met a bread pudding I didn't like.

  18. Looks great! Perhaps when I want to open up a huge pumpkin can again, I'll make this!


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