
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day - Orange Blueberry Muffins - SMS

Happy Mother's Day to everyone! I am always a little sad on Mother's Day. I lost my mother to cancer when I was 16. I wish I could have gotten to know my mother better. There's so many things I've missed sharing with her. There's nothing more rewarding than being a mother. I have the best son. Okay I know all mom's say that but mine really is!!

I was surprised on Friday at work with these beautiful flowers. Thanks Justin for being such a great son!!

This week's SMS recipe would be a perfect addition to a Mother's Day brunch. We've made the muffin batter for these before here and here. I remembered this being a thick, dense muffin. I halved the recipe and still ended up with 10 muffins. After putting the batter together, I felt like it was really thick and dense. I wanted to see if I could lighten it up a bit so I added about 2 tablespoons of sour cream and a little more (1 tablespoon?) of cream. I think it helped, the muffins don't seem as dense as the past recipes. I added a few more blueberries, next time I would add even more. I decided to skip the topping. They didn't brown as much as I would have liked, so I sprinkled them with a little cinnamon and sugar. These made a delicious, traditional texture muffin.

Chaya of Sweet and Savory chose this week's recipe. If you haven't visited Chaya's blog, stop by. She's amazing, she posts every day and has some of the best recipes. You can find the links to all of the other SMS bakers here!


  1. Heartfelt post. Wishing you a happy & blessed Mother's day!


  2. I lost my mother at 13 and completly understand about Mother's Day being sad. Being a mom does help though! What a thoughtful son you have!

    Your muffins look great! I made the batter as written and didn't find them to be as dry or dense this time.

  3. You proved that this muffin can be good, even without the topping. Yours look delicious.

    I baked the chili corn bread, last night. I cut back on the heat and it turned out to be a delicious corn bread.

    Thanks for baking along with me, this week.

  4. Sweet post! The muffins and your son :)

    Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Mmm, what great changes you made to these! I also added some extra cream and some more butter, too, and they were very moist.

  6. Happy Mothers day to you too. The flowers are so pretty and the muffins look very moist and tasty! How sad you lost your mom at such a young age. Im sure you are a wonderful mother to your son!

  7. Lovely post, Julie. Happy Mother's Day to you!
    How sweet your son gave you flowers! I'm sure it made your day.
    The muffins look moist and delicious. Perfect breakfast anytime!

  8. Happy Mother's Day and a big hug to you Julie!

    The muffins look fabulous!

  9. Happy Mother's Day. Your pictures and muffins look just beautiful.

  10. Happy Mother's Day! Your son is very thoughtful to send you such beautiful flowers :)

    Great job on the muffins - adding sour cream was a nice idea! I used less flour and a bit of extra cream. Funny you mention brunch, I included my muffins as part of a Mother's Day brunch this morning!

  11. Happy Mother's Day to you!

    I do wish I got to spend more time with my mother, but that's the part I hate about being away for college and having finals.

    Your muffins look great!

  12. The flowers from your son are beautiful! Hope you had a wonderful mother's day!

    I too ended up with extra muffins after halving the recipe (nine). Oh well, they were well received, so it ended up okay :-) Sour cream is a great idea for an add-in to make the muffins more moist! I'll have to remember that!

  13. They look delicious!! Have a great week! xo Vanessa

  14. aw what beautiful flowers. and delicious muffins. i like the cinnamon sugar topping!!


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