
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cedric's Ranch Wings - Foodie Friday

I love to thumb though magazines for recipes, hints, ideas and stories. I have file folders and accordian folders of those clippings. Those folders inspired me to begin blogging. Not sure I've shared as many of these as I'd planned. I keep buying cookbooks and subscribing to new magazines. Have you seen all of the magazine deals lately? Tim was thumbing through my Food Network Magazine and found this recipe. We always have wings in the freezer, so we decided to give these a try. These are a nice change from traditional spicy chicken wings.

Cedric's Ranch Wings
Recipe Courtesy of Food Network Magazine

2 pounds chicken Wings
3 1 ounce packets ranch dressing mix
1 1/3 cup flour
Freshly ground pepper
3 large eggs
Vegetable Oil for frying
1/4 cup hot sauce (Frank's is my favorite)
1/4 cup honey

Toss the wings with 1 packet dressing mix in a large bowl and refrigerate at least one hour or up to four hours.

Whisk the flour, 1 teaspoon pepper and 1 packet dressing mix in a large bowl. In another bowl, whisk the eggs, 2 tablespoons water and the remaining packet dressing mix. Dredge the wings a few at a time in the seasoned flour, then dip into the egg mixture and return to the flour mixture, turning to coat. Transfer to a rack.

Heat 1/2 inch vegetable oil in a cast iron skillet over medium heat until a deep fry thermometer registers 350. (I used a deep fryer.)Fry the wings in batches until crisp and golden brown 5 -6minutes per side. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Whisk the hot sauce and honey in a bowl. Serve with the wings.

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.


  1. The spicing in these wings is wonderful. I can't wait to give your recipe a try. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  2. These look professional. I'd like to order a dozen, please! I'll give them a whirl...thanks.

  3. They look like they have great texture.

  4. I LOVE!!! the crispy texture. THANKS!!! for the GREAT!!! post and recipe.

  5. Those look fantastic!

    Have a great week end!

  6. The picture is fantastic! The wings looks great, thanks!

  7. These look great, perfect for a Friday night munchie!

  8. Now you've got me craving wings. Those look sinfully delicious.

  9. They look delicious! We love Frank's hot sauce! Great recipe! I can relate to the cookbook and magazine addiction!

  10. This is a great idea. I like to find different uses for a product like the dressing mix.

  11. they look so good...I love that crunchy coating!

  12. I cooked these tonight and they are awesome and dip makes them even better. GREAT RECIPE!!!


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