
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pecan Shortbread Cookies-SMS

Happy Easter!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!

Something I've always wanted to make but never have, is shortbread. When I saw this week's recipe was Pecan Shortbread Cookies, I was excited. I was hoping this would be my first time making shortbread. While I thought these cookies were deeeeeeeeeeelicious, they remind me of Russian Teacakes or Italian Wedding Cookies.

This was an easy recipe to put together. My only challenge was my butter wasn't cold enough. I didn't end up with balls as the recipe describes. I really am enjoying this cookbook but wish there were more pictures. I don't know about you but I really like seeing a picture of what the finished dish should look like.

Laura of The Lab chose this week's recipe. Check out the other talented Sweet Melissa bakers here.

One Year Ago Baby Carrots with Dill.


  1. These were great and yours look so pretty.

  2. They turned out really good! I agree with the lack of photos in SM cookbook. I love to see more pictures when Im baking.

  3. Yes, more photos in the Sweet Melissa book would be so useful! I think your cookies look wonderful, though :) I don't like nuts so I didn't try these, but my neighbor thought they were tasty.

  4. Your cookies look great! I love the plate!

    I would love to see more photos in the book too. It is one of those books that if I hadn't ordered it online and didn't realize the lack of pictures, I probably would have passed.

  5. I'm wondering if we refrigerated the balls first if they'd hold their shape better? I also agree on the pictures. I love seeing what things are "suppose to look like."

    Glad you enjoyed the shortbread! Shortbread is normally not my thing, but these cookies weren't too bad!

  6. Happy Easter Julie! Your cookies look delicious! Seems like several other bakers had issue with the dough.

  7. The cookies are wonderful! I love your plate, it displays the cookies beautifully. Thank you so much for baking with me.

  8. These look exactly like they are supposed to (and the opposite of what my cookies looked like!) I think more photos would be great, that way, I would know when I'm on the wrong track!

  9. I recently bought this cookbook because of all the wonderful recipes, but I agree with you that there should be more pictures.

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  10. YES, more photos!! :) Even though they're not completely round, your cookies look fabulous!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog Julie. Your cookies look delicious!

  12. Your cookies look terrific! I loved them too. The lack of photos in the SM book threw me at first, but now I think it's kind of fun to see how things turned when everyone posts.

  13. I know what you mean! I love having pictures to compare what it's supposed to look like compared to what I have.

  14. Yours look perfect! I know what you mean about wanting more pictures - a great book but sometimes a picture or two would help! I found the description a little off on this one especially - needed a whole lot of pulsing to get the dough to come together! Not a typical shortbread but very yummy none the less! R xx


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