
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chocolate Mousse (CWF) - Foodie Friday

When Moogie sent me her choice for this month's Chocolate With Francois, she suggested everyone find a creative way to present their mousse. Sounds easy enough! I can do this! Or so I thought!

Earlier this week I read over the recipe to make sure I had all of the ingredients. I was thrilled to find that Payard had given the measurements for a half recipe. Since we have WAY too many sweets in the house, I usually cut the recipes in half. That can present some challenges, like how do you cut an egg in half? Perfect, the measurements for half a recipe are in the book, this is going to be so easy! Or so I thought!

Last weekend while we were in Kansas City, I stopped by one of my favorite stores, Crate & Barrel. Crate & Barrel has been one of my fav's for years. I used to travel to Chicago and always made a stop at their store on Michigan Avenue. This was before carryon's were limited, so I could easily bring those goodies home with me!! I found the cutest pink silicone flower shaped cupcake liners, butterfly and daisy cookie cutters. I suppose about now you're asking what that has to do with this Chocolate Mousse? My plan was to pipe the chocolate mousse into the pink cupcake liners. How cute and easy would that be? Or so I thought!

I did the mis en place thing and arranged all of my ingredients. Or so I thought! I used the 1/4 cup water from the FULL recipe instead of the 2 tablespoons from the half recipe. The mousse was too thin to pipe into the cute cupcake liners.

So sorry Moggie, no creative presentation for me! This mousse reminded me a lot of the Chocolate Mousse we made a few weeks ago for Sweet Melissa Sunday's. Just like the the SMS mousse, I ended up with little chocolate pieces in the mousse. This recipe is easy to put together and has a wonderful chocolate flavor!

Stop by Chocolate With Francois to find the links to all of the creative CWF members!!

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.


  1. I love any kind of chocolate dessert but mousse is up there in the top ten!

  2. Oh too bad that didn't work in the cups..but it still looks delicious, Julie!

  3. Looks so good! Pretty in the boobie glass ~ I have some just like it and serve in them as well :)

    I have perused several of your posts and enjoyed visiting with you! Sweet place you have here.

    Kindly, ldh

  4. Loved this recipe. Apart from the chocolate cookies we did (think it was our 2nd recipe?), this was a favorite.

  5. I usually mess something up when I try to cut a recipe in half too! It still looks delicious though.

  6. i totally forgot about cwf until right now! hopefully i can make this up and post this afternoon...

  7. I know it's not what you had in mind, but I think little chocolate pieces would be so chocolate chip mousse!

  8. Looks great, I love Chocolate Mousse! and I definitely can't resist Crate and Barrel, fun shopping!

  9. Your chocolate mousse looks delicious. I like the chocolate pieces in the mousse.

    Like you, I love Crate and Barrel too! I also like Pottery Barn. We have neither where I live, and I take every opportunity when I travel to visit.

  10. The chocolate mousse looks so yummy! I'm going to have to try the recipe (and I think the presentation is great!:)


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