
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chocolate Filled Cupcakes - MSC

Happy Birthday, Dad! Although he will never read this, my Dad turns 91 today. Amazing, 91!! Cake and ice cream, with heavy emphasis on the ice cream are Dad's favorites. Black Walnut ice cream to be exact. I've never liked it but it was always in the freezer when I was a kid. Usually there was another carton of a kind I liked because I remember getting a bowl of ice cream many nights before I went to bed. I think I can thank my Dad for this sweet tooth I have today!!!

Okay on to this month's MSC recipe, Chocolate Filled Cupcakes, chosen by Jess of Cookbook Habit. I love filled cupcakes. We've had way too many sweets in the house these days, so I made a half recipe. The recipe is an easy one to put together. Chances are you'll have the ingredients in the pantry. The batter had a delicious chocolate flavor. I thought this batter was really thick. My cupcakes cracked on top. What makes them do that?

I checked these cupcakes at 20 minutes and didn't appear anywhere close to done. I set the timer for five more minutes. When I checked them, they were done, possibly overdone. After they cooled, I noticed they had these light brown dots on the tops of them. What's up with these cupcakes?

I followed the directions and used my melon baller to scoop out the middle for the filling. This didn't go well. Now I knew these were overdone. As I scooped out the middle, it just fell apart in crumbles. I tried to fill one. I cut it in half and it didn't look filled. So what the heck, let's just eat this one. I took one bite and threw it away. They were so dry and crumbly. Now what do I do with these really dry cupcakes?

The filling was my favorite part. A nice creamy marshmallow flavor. Filled cupcakes are on My 50. I don't think I can cross these off the list, you have to complete the recipe successfully for it to count!!!

Maybe it's my cupcake baking skills but I've yet to find a recipe in this book that I love. Maybe next month? Have you found a favorite?


  1. happy bday to your dad..sorry about the cupcakes..


  2. There aren't any I've been crazy about - although the Boston Cream Pie ones were pretty good.

  3. Happy Birthday to your dad!

    Your cupcakes look amazing!

  4. Don't throw away those chocolate cupcakes. Crumble them up and put them on a big bowl of ice cream! I bet they would be delicious.

    Happy Birthday to your dad! I hope his day is a special one filled with cake and black walnut ice cream (I remember that flavor ice cream growing up).

  5. Happy Birthday to your dad! I love reading those memories of loved ones. Walnut icecream, eh? Never had that one.

    My cupcakes turned out very dry too. Didn't love these. I did like the lemon meringue cupcakes and the banana ones. Haven't loved most of them though.

  6. Happy Birthday to your dad!

    Sorry the cupcakes weren't a hit for you. I wasn't a huge fan either but my husband happily gobbled them up :) I definitely didn't overcook mine and they were still dry, which was disappointing. Someone else mentioned swapping oil for the butter, so I may try that next time.

    I think my favorite recipe from the book has been the coconut cupcakes - yum!

  7. Happy birthday to your dad!

    I agree...the recipe was a little dry. I think I enjoyed her sweet potato and coconut recipes myself the most.

    That filling was totally yummy too!

  8. Sorry these were so dry. I have learned to bake her cuppys for less time. I used a pastry bag with a small tip to pump the filling in from the bottom. Worked great.

    Lemon meringue are my favs so far, but made next weeks and they are FANTASTIC!!


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