
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cake Class - Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday!! This is my third week participating in Pink Saturday. It's so fun, what a great group of women. Thanks to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for hosting!!!

I am taking Course #1 of Wilton's Cake Decorating Series. Taking a cake decorating class was one of my 2010 bloggin resolutions. It's so much fun and not as hard as I thought it would be (so far, anyway).

My cake this week is a perfect Pink Saturday post! I love this color of pink frosting!

This week I'd like to introduce you to Birgit of Swapping Howdies. She's a blogger from Munich who I met on last week's Pink Saturday.


  1. yummy in pink...happy pink saturday!

  2. It is a fun cake . . . and I'm sure it taste just yummy! :-) I don't think anyone can resist a cake LOL Me, I don't know how . .. let a lone bake! :-)

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Hi Julie,
    What a pretty cake! Your cake class must be so much fun. Thanks for sharing and thank you for your visit. Have a Happy Pink Saturday weekend.


  4. Adorable cake, pretty pink icing! I have taken the course about 30 years ago. Yikes, I am getting old, lol!...Christine

  5. What a pretty pink springie cake. Love it. Great job. Happy Pink Saturday.

  6. Perfect Pink Saturday cake! I think it would be such fun to take a cake decorating class I look forward to seeing more of your cake creations. Have fun!

  7. Hi Julie,

    Oh, wow -- thanks for mentioning my blog. :) I am so happy to hear that you enjoy visiting -- and I can definitely say the same of your blog. Your cake looks fantastic -- those pink flowers give it the special something for sure. :)

    I don't think I have ever seen a cake decorating class around here. It must be great fun to learn more about that -- and your family and friends will surely love the extra cake. :)

    Happy Pink Saturday,

  8. Hi Julie..
    I know you're having such fun with your decorating class.. I've always wanted take one,just never could manage the time when the chance finally came. You're doing well I think..your cake is pretty. Happy Pinks..

  9. Your cake looks terrific! Great job with the outline and the borders! Isn't decorating class fun?!

  10. oh yum yum yum for my tum tum tum! I love it! Fabulous! If you have time stop by
    I am giving away a pretty rose teapot for the month of April!

  11. What a beautiful job! It's fun when you can actually eat your artwork, isn't it? Happy PS!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  12. Hello Julie~ Thank you for strolling into my blog. I love meeting new friends. I hope you enjoyed your visit and will come by again.

    I've always been interested in cake decorating techniques. It would take me a lot of practice. My favorite pastime is shopping in the cake decorating supplies store. That's probably why I like inventing unique (easy) ways of preparing and presenting my dishes.
    It looks like your off to a wonderfully "pinky" start with your decorating skills.
    I look forward to seeing more as you expand your talents.

    Sweet wishes,

  13. I'm late for the pink party, but enjoying my visits anyway! Your cake is so pretty! Did you save a slice for me?! Thanks for checking out my Youngest One's prom pics. until next Saturday...

  14. love the cute


  15. So cute! Well done. That looks like a perfect cake for a pre-teen girl birthday party.

  16. That looks delicious! Can't wait to see if you get promoted after rose class!


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