
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Caramel Apple Crisp - SMS

This week's Sweet Melissa Sunday's is hosted by my blogging pal, Susan at Baking With Susan. Susan and I joined Sweet Melissa Sunday's about the same time and became blogging friends. It is because of Susan I became involved in Operation Baking Gals. If you haven't been to Susan's blog, stop by and check it out. She's creative, funny and shares great recipes.

Things have been a bit hectic this weekend at our house. We spent all day yesterday looking for a new car. It's painful and exhausting. I compared it to trying on swimsuits. Ugh! After a long day of shopping and negotiating, we're the proud owners of an Escape Hybrid.

I am not good at making pie crusts. I've never made many and when I have they've always been a disaster. Of course, as is pretty normal for me, I am baking Sweet Melissa Sunday's on Sunday. I decided to try and make a double pie crust and get everything else done I needed to do today would be mistake. I would be frustrated and cussing like a sailor, not a good way to spend Sunday afternoon. Since it's Susan's week for hosting, I really wanted to participate, so I decided to make a Caramel Apple Crisp instead.

I made the filling pretty much as the recipe called for, with a couple of exceptions. I used Fuji apples and I couldn't resist, I added a little cinnamon. Since I didn't have any heavy cream. I decided to give the caramel sauce a try using evaporated milk. It worked pretty well, although I think I heated it too early and it developed a skin on the top. I made the standard crisp topping using oatmeal, brown sugar, flour and melted butter.

I baked the crisps at 350 for about 30 minutes. I took them out of the oven and they were beautiful, puffy and nicely browned. I guess I never realized crisps fall as they cool.

I love the addition of the caramel sauce to the apples. The cinnamon adds just the extra flavor needed to make this a great pie (crisp).

Check out the other Sweet Melissa Sunday's bakers here. I know you'll find some beautiful apple pies.


  1. I don't make pie crusts at all! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. Yum! it looks like this is so amazing! Great substitute. The crisp looks good!

  3. I love crisps and almost did one instead of a pie. Yours looks yummy!

  4. Crisps are always great and it avoids the pie crust problems for me too :-)

  5. Awww, thanks so much for making the time to bake along with me this weekend! <3 :)

    Your crisp looks great and I may try it that way, even though my crust was the best thing about my attempt. And, I will add cinnamon next time!

    Congrats on the new car!

  6. Oh yum!! I really love apple pie but I'm just as big a fan of apple crisp :) It was smart to go that route and make your Sunday less stressful! It looks fantastic!

    Congrats on the new car :)

  7. What a great idea to do it as a crisp! If only I had done that I would have had an edible dessert. :-)

  8. What a great idea to make a crisp with this one! It looks yummy. Congratulations on the new car, I'm sure you're happy to have the looking/buying process over.

  9. Great substitutions...this looks wonderful. Thanks for starting my monday out on a good note..after I read the part about pie crusts and cussing like a sailor I laughed out loud.

  10. Julie,

    Nice spin on the apple pie. Looks very delicious!


  11. I dont think im going to make pie crusts ever again! Your crisp looks spectacular!

  12. Great idea to make caramel apple crisps! Looks delicious :)

  13. Those sound amazing! I love any kind of apple pie or crisp!

  14. I love crisps and with carmel sauce--delish

  15. Looks fantastic! I love apple crisp!


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