
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday - Winter Snow

We've had more than our share of snow this year. To say people in Omaha are tired of winter would be an understatement.

Last week we received yet another snow. This snow was different from the other snows this season. It was really pretty. Early last Saturday morning my husband and I went to a lake near our home to take some photos. Here's one of our favorites!


  1. You must be so ready for summer!!~Pretty pic though:)

  2. Spring will be there before you know it.:p

  3. There has been more snow nationwide this year than I can ever remember. It is pretty to look at, but creates a lot of problems too.

  4. That is a pretty snow. We have had a ton of snow this year too, for this area. Starting to wear on some people's nerves. Not mine; I'm from upstate NY.

    Hey, I left something on my latest post for you. :)

  5. My husband and I live in the Chicagoland area. It has been one gray day after another gray day. Today it snowed and we are getting more snow tonight. It does look like fairyland. You posted a nice snow scene.
    Joyce, IL, USA

  6. looks like that here too my only blessing is that we did not get as many as others

  7. Snow, Snow and more snow. We had 21 inches on the weekend and are expected to have another 20 after this one stops we are having right now. I am so tired of looking at snow piling up.

  8. I love snow when it lines tree branches like that. It's beautiful!

  9. Our family lives in Sioux City, Iowa. I lived there my high school and college years. My husband was born and raised there. We're in the south now but feel your pain...Anita


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