
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My First Blogger Award!

(With a look of amazement and delight!)

Uh...oh my....I wasn't expecting this and I have no speech prepared. (Wiping away the tears.) Okay, I hope I can remember all of the people I want to thank.

First, I would like to thank the lovely and talented Susan of Baking With Susan for awarding me the (Bald Faced Liar) Creative Writer Award.

If you haven't visited Susan's blog, please take the time to do so. She's funny, generous and bakes the most beautiful cakes!

Second, I want to congratulate the other bloggers who received this award. You'll find them listed here.

Okay, okay, let's see who I am forgetting? Oh my husband, Tim. He's my very patient and talented photographer, recipe tester and all around great husband.

I probably should thank some teacher from the dark ages when I was in grade school. So long ago, I can't remember her name. I am sure she encouraged me to enjoy writing.

Now on to the rules of this award.

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell us up to six outrageous lies about yourself and at least one outrageous truth.
5. Allow your readers to guess which one or more is true.
6. Nominate seven "Creative Writers" who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
7. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
8. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.

As you read my lies or truths, they may not sound as outrageous as some but trust me, some of these are really OUTRAGEOUS!!!

1. I am a natural blonde.
2. I have driven an 18 wheeler from New York to Los Angeles.
3. I competed in a triathalon in Hawaii in 2006.
4. I have fired 9mm and 40 caliber pistols.
5. I am a size 4.
6. I've written a self help book entitled Help Yourself, No One Else Will.

Now the difficult decision of naming the seven blogs I would like to nominate for this award....

1. Candace of Candy Girl
2. Natalia of gatti fili e farina.
3. Velva of Tomatoes on the Vine.
4. Nina of Nina's Cupcakes
5. Karen of Karen's Cookies, Cakes and More.
6. Sarah of Teapots and Cakestands
7. Maggie of The Other Side of 50. This one is a double nomination. Maggie was already nominated by Linda, who nominated Susan, who nominated me. Got that?

If you haven't stopped by these blogs, find the time to do so. I promise you won't be sorry you did!! They are all talented writers and creative cooks!


  1. You are so sweet!!! Thank you, thank you!!! Of your 6 lies/truths, I cant decide which to believe and which NOT to believe.

  2. Dear lakegirl, Thank you so much for your prize !!
    I hope to be able to make up some stories !

  3. Congrats on your award and thank you for sharing it back with me.

    I think #2 is the truth, although I've never heard you swear like a trucker, so I'm still not sure that's the right choice.

  4. aww, thanks so much dearie! and congrats to you too!

  5. Wow! Tough choices...I have actually done a couple of those things myself. How do you stay a size 4 with all the baking you do? :)


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