
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Easy Chocolate Mousse - Sweet Melissa Sunday's

Happy Valentine's Day!

Quick post and iPhone picture for me today. We are in Kansas City with our good friends Karen and Larry!

Easy Chocolate Mousse? I guess it depends on how you define an easy recipe? To me, easy doesn't require three bowls and two different rounds with the mixer. I've never made chocolate mousse so maybe compared to other recipes this is easy.

Mine didn't quite turn out as it should have. Instead of whisking the egg whites into the chocolate I folded them in. I read the recipe SEVERAL times but still messed up. I hate it when that happens. My mousse ended up with little chunks of chocolate in the mousse. Everyone really liked it and we renamed it Chocolate Chip Mousse.

Thanks to Spike of Spike Bakes for choosing a great Valentine's Day recipe. You can find the links to all of the other Sweet Melissa Sunday's members here. I'm sure you'll find lots of pictures of beautiful chocolate chip mousse (without the chips).


  1. Your chocolate chip mousse looks really good. I had to pass on this one cus I made a big fattening cake instead! Have a fun time with your friends and Happy Valentines day!

  2. My grandma always told me there are NO mistakes, just changes and you Never tell anyone you made a mistake; you just fix it and walk out with a confident smile as you serve the dish =). I know what you mean about a ton of dishes used. I was in the same boat, even though the recipe for the chocolate mousse is easy as far as the ingredients. I think your mousse looks delicious!

  3. Well, I did whisk my egg whites into the chocolate and I got "chips" too. I like the added texture in the mousse. If anyone asks...I did it on purpose! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :)

  4. The mousse looks divine. But the dessert cups are to die for.

  5. I got chips too and I followed the recipe to a t! I agree with Susan, I liked the added texture. Your mousse looks delicious!

  6. Chocolate chip mousse is still good!

  7. A few chocolate bits in your mousse sounds pretty good. I know that I would have loved to enjoy your mousse-Delicious.

  8. I wouldn't complain about little chocolate chips in my mousse, sounds yummy! I didn't get to this one yet, so I'll make sure to read the directions very carefully.

  9. Hope you're having a great time with your friends. I know what you mean about the dirty dishes but I still thought this was easy since it was quick and used just a few ingredients :) Your mousse looks wonderful and I'm sure no one minded chocolate chips!

  10. I did that EXACT same thing. I quite enjoyed the wee lumps though <3

    Katie xox

  11. mine came out the saaaame way and neither my mom nor i complained ;) gave it a nice texture!! what a pleasant muck up :)

  12. I like the chocolate chip mousse! Glad it was enjoyed- thanks for baking with me!


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