
Friday, January 15, 2010

Please Donate!

I don't know about you but sometimes I take all we have for granted. Clothes, food and shelter! I pause to be thankful for my family and my friends but too often forget to say thanks for those everyday pleasures that I know I take for granted.

I was traveling on business this week and watched quite a bit of the coverage on the earthquake in Haiti. Words cannot describe the tragedy in Haiti. As a food blogger, I'd like ask all the food bloggers to donate to the relief efforts in Haiti. Skip a post and donate the money you would have spent on the food for that particular post.


  1. It truly is a tragedy beyond words.

  2. If everyone donated just one dollar the impact would be tremendous. I have been praying for all those affected.

  3. Thanks for posting this link directly to the American Red Cross. Aside from prayers and giving a money donation, I wish that there was more that I could do. God bless the people of Haiti and the rescue and volunteer teams helping.


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