
Friday, January 1, 2010

Little Bit of Everything in 2010

Little Bit of Everything will celebrate it's 1st blogversary in February of 2010. This year has gone so fast. I feel like I learned a lot but still there's so much more I want to learn. In 2010, one of the things I am really looking forward to is partipating in Adopt a Blogger and learning from one of the many talented bloggers out on the blogsphere.

What else do I want to accomplish in 2010?

In 2009, I took a series of cooking classes, Culinary Boot Camp. I'd love to take more classes, a bread baking class and a knife skills class, as well as a cake decorating class.

I think my friends and family consider me a good cook but I want to learn to be more like a chef. I can follow a recipe and most of the time, it turns out great. I want to learn to create dishes without always following a recipe.

Create cocktails using herbs and infusions. These make for interesting and fun cocktails.

Explore the recipes from my collection of cookbooks. 100+ cookbooks, full of great recipes just waiting to be created!

Make more of the recipes from the recipe cards that belonged to my mother. These are such a special memory and should be shared.

Make more homemade bread! I love bread and nothing is better than warm homemade bread.

Let's consider these my blogging resolutions. Oh boy, resolutions!! I don't know about you but I am never very good at carrying out my resolutions. So let's just call them goals and maybe I will do better. Okay now I need a favor from everyone, help me to stay on task to achieve these goals.


  1. The word resolution leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But not the word chocolate.

  2. I like your resolutions! I bought Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day and have been baking fresh bread almost every day since I received it. Here's to a great year blogging together. :)

  3. Great resolutions! I love taking classes too and didn't think about adding that to my list. I also plan on attempting bread again...

  4. my blogiversary is in february too! your goals sound great too. here's to 2010!

  5. Julie,
    I'm sure you will have a successful year!

  6. Your cooking resolutions for 2010 are awesome!!!
    Happy Anniversary to you! I am a newbie at blogging too, and I am amazed at new world that has open up to me, and the people that I have met.

    Happy New Year to you!

  7. Happy New Year! Great resolutions. I really should get better about at least setting goals for myself.


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