
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gingebread Cupcakes - MSC

Gingerbread Cupcakes...hmmm? Gingebread, Gingerbread Cookies, Gingerbread Houses but Gingerbread Cupcakes? I am not a big Gingerbread fan but it is one of those signature holiday dishes, so knew I was baking this one. I really wanted to like these cupcakes but the truth is, I didn't. Now that wasn't really because of the flavor, it was because they were DRY!!! I followed the recipe exactly! As I was scooping the batter into the cupcake pan, I thought it seemed really thick. I even baked them for less time than the recipe called for. With some of the earlier Martha Stewart Cupcake bakes, I felt like my cupcakes were overbaked. I bought an oven thermometer to make sure the temperature was right on. What happened? I am anxious to read the other Martha Stewart Cupcake baker's blogs to see if I am the only one who experienced dry cupcakes. Now I am trying to decide what to do with the cupcakes because while on the first day they were dry but edible, on the second day, they're too dry to eat. Maybe some sort of bread pudding?

Thanks to Kayte of Grandma's Kitchen Table for choosing this great holiday recipe for this month's bake. You can find the links to all of the other Martha Stewart cupcake baker's here!


  1. I actually didnt get to taste my own I wouldnt know, but I think it was fine from my friends reactions. Also the little santas on top are so adorable!

  2. Love the way you decorated the cupcakes. They sound delicious!

  3. Love your festive little cupcakes!! Sorry they didn't turn out well for you. It seems a lot of people had the same problem. I didn't try mine, but my mom really liked them.

  4. i love your little cupcake toppers! they are too cute!! sorry they fell short for you.

  5. I am sorry that this one didn't turn out for you. My batter was also thick and I ended up baking them quite a bit less than the recipe calls for because I thought that they were going to end up dry.

  6. Those are really cute toppers. I didnt like these either. There wasnt a question of what i did to these.

  7. A lot of people seem to be complaining of dry cupcakes. I wish I knew what went wrong. Mine were moist and light. I just keep recommending that people watch the mixing and try not to overmix. At any rate, they look delicious, and I love the toppers!

  8. Your cupcakes looks absolutely adorable...the santa toppers are perfect!

    I thought the batter seemed thick too but figured I hadn't mixed something properly. I think I may have added a dab extra of molasses which might have helped the moisture some though. Genius idea though to think of using the leftovers as a bread pudding.

  9. A lot of people had the same problem with them being dry, but mine were very moist and delicious. I will say, however, that we like gingerbread and spice cake and I think that if one is not used to the textures of those cakes (a little drier b/c of the spicing, etc.) that maybe they would not see like other moist cakes like a chiffon cake or something like that. I love, love, love your wrappers and how you decorated them! I hope you like coconut and that next month will be more satisfying for you! Thanks for being a great sport and baking along even though gingerbread is not your favorite!

  10. Your cupcakes are so cute!

    To be honest, I have no idea how other bakers got "moist" cupcakes out of this recipe.

    You didn't do anything wrong, this was just a bad recipe, no cake-like qualities whatsoever. I had to redeem my cupcake reputation and bake another batch using leavening and oil instead of butter.

    Thanks so much for baking along with us this month! Happy Holidays!


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