
Monday, November 30, 2009

Flourless Chocolate Cookies

As I was making these cookies, I was thinking we've had two easy recipes back to back, when might this end? This recipe is so easy. One bowl and a few ingredients and you have cookie batter.

Unfortunately, mine didn't come together as easily as the recipe described. The recipe says after mixing for 3 minutes, the batter will thicken slightly. Mine didn't thicken. I kept wanting to add flour to make it thicker but flourless means no flour, right? My cookies were so thin I was worried about the batter running off the cookie sheet and into the oven. Fortunately, that did not happen but as you can see they did not turn out. Looks aren't everything though, right? So I thought the taste of these might make up for the appearance. Nope not so much, I didn't like the flavor either.

This month's recipe was chosen by Karen of Karen's Cookies, Cakes and More. You can also find the links to the other Chocolate With Francois bakers here. Hopefully their cookies were scrumptious and beautiful, as the recipe describes.


  1. I think yours look better than mine. Groan. Mine tasted just fine, though. That is probably a matter of taste.

  2. This was yet another terrific recipe from this book. So glad you turned me onto the "Chocolate Epiphany". My cookies were so good, this is a recipe that is going down as an Apple CRumbles favorite.

  3. Oh by the way... if you try clicking on the feed button on my site, you may be able to get the correct feed posted at the Chocolate with Francois site.

  4. It's too bad you didn't care for these. We really enjoyed them here and thought they tasted like brownies.

  5. Your cookies look fine. But sometimes no matter how careful you are following directions, the recipe doesn't turnout the way you hoped. My posting last month was like that for me.

  6. Thanks for baking along with me. I wonder why your cookies turned out that way. Make them again? Or better yet, how about I make them again for you?!?!?

  7. Sorry you didn't care for these. My cookies didn't spread out, and I thought they were supposed to. They look thin in the picture from the book. Oh well. I did like these. Loved the chocolate flavor and the ease of putting them together.

  8. I had to return and make another comment about my FLAT cookies. I found one on the bottom of a container of other cookies and I was about to throw it out since it had been hanging around, way too long. For some reason, instead, I took a bite and it was delicious and chewy that you tugged on it gently to eat it. It was like a different cookie. Still flat, of course.....


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