
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sticky Buns With Toasted Almonds - SMS

To bake or not to bake? That was my question for this weeks Sweet Melissa Sunday. I've never been very successful with yeast breads or kneaded doughs. However, the reason I starting blogging and joined Sweet Melissa Sundays was to try recipes that are a challenge for me. So I decided to bake and I am so glad I did. These sticky buns are so delicious.

I made a couple of changes. I used lemon zest instead of orange zest and honey instead of maple syrup. My dough came together nicely. I realized as I was rolling the dough, most of the doughs I made in the past were kneaded by hand before I owned a Kitchen Aid. With the assistance of the Kitchen Aid, I feel much more confident about my dough making skills.

I had a little trouble telling if these were done. I took them out after about 30 minutes. They did seem a little doughy on the bottom but were golden brown on the top. Maybe the honey was more liquid than the maple syrup would have been?

Thanks to Jen of Not Microwave Safe for choosing this wonderful recipe. You can find all of the creative and talented Sweet Melissa Sunday's bakers here.


  1. oh looks good! Honey sounds like a great sub!

  2. You started out not being sure whether to bake these or not, did, and they are beautiful! What a great job, you gained confidence and you enjoyed the sticky buns. Success!

  3. Great idea to sub honey - I bet the sauce was delicious! Great job on these - they look awesome! I definitely think making dough in a KA is easier at first though sometimes I still knead by hand just for fun :)

  4. I would have never thought of using honey! That sounds great. Your buns look amazing!

  5. They look great! So glad you went ahead with them! I love baking groups for that reason - there are so many things I've made that I wouldn't necessarily have tried on my own, but ended up loving,

  6. Honey sounds like it would be delicious in the sauce, great substitution! Your rolls look wonderful!

  7. mmm honey sounds like a GREAT substitution for maple syrup. :)

  8. honey sounds delicious. Your rolls look wonderful!

  9. Good for you for challenging yourself. It looks like your results were fantastic!

  10. wow those look really good! job well done.

  11. Julie, the lemon zest sounds like a great substitute for the orange. And your rolls look delicious!

  12. Hi Julie!

    My name is Joy (of the baking blog, "Hot Oven, Warm Heart") and I am a fellow member of SMS. I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself- hopefully, we will have the chance to get to know each other better during upcoming weeks of simultaneous baking and blogging adventures!

    Fabulous job on your sticky buns... they look scrumptious! I'm glad you didn't pass because of the yeast, and I hope the recipe boosted your confidence to try more delicious doughy recipes :)

    Have a wonderful rest of your week, and I hope to hear from you soon!


  13. Julie,
    Your sticky buns look so good. I can't wait to try them when I get home. I miss my kitchen, can you believe that?! Also looking forward to starting with Chocolate Ephipany. My cookbook should be waiting for me when I get back to the states.


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