
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Cookie Cakes - SMS

What do you think of when you think of pumpkin? Everyone has their own special pumpkin memories. I love to remember October and pumpkins as a child, carving the jack o lantern, trick or treating. I also have a special memory of my mom's Pumpkin Bread. My mother passed away when I was 16 and her recipes are those special memories I still cherish today!

As a child, Pumpkin Bread and Pumpkin Pie are the two things I can remember eating. Blogging has allowed me to create new recipes made with pumpkin. I like pumpkin but I can't say I love pumpkin! This week's Sweet Melissa Sunday's recipe is Pumpkin Cookie Cakes. For me, you need to love things made with pumpkin to love this recipe. My favorite part...the cream cheese frosting. I was using leftover frosting, so I didn't have as much as I would have liked.

Thanks to Debbie of Everyday Blessings of the Five Dees for choosing this recipe. Visit the SMS site to see all of the links to the group of talented and creative SMS bakers!


  1. The powdered sugar sprinkled on your cookies is beautiful! A great touch. What heart warming thoughts to share about your Mom and the memories attached to Fall pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread. I wish I could send you a hug through the monitor.

    Your cookies are perfect and I am glad you made them =)

  2. Your cookies look great, I love the generous sprinkling of powdered sugar. Thanks for sharing your memories. I still remember going to the pumpkin patch an searching for the perfect pumpkin when I was a child.

  3. Your cookie cakes look delicious!

  4. I'm glad you decided to make them even though you don't love pumpkin. Hopefully you found someone to enjoy them because they look great!

  5. my mother quit baking for me when i was about 2. and although it makes me a bit sad, i revel in the fact that if i have children, baking will be a constant in their life. it builds so many wonderful memories!

  6. ooooo these look great!

  7. Aw, I'm sorry these didn't convert you to a pumpkin lover. But it's nice that they brought back happy memories of your mother.


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