
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Backroads or Interstate?-Outdoor Wednesdays

While browsing blogs this morning, I came across A Southern Daydreamer and Susan's event Outdoor Wednesdays. What a perfect opporunity to spotlight our recent backroads adventure. Thank you Susan!

No matter if they are scenic or not, my husband loves to drive the backroads. I prefer the fastest route, how do we get from point A to point B the quickest? Usually that means the interstate. When we left Tim's moms , we weren't in a hurry and there was a lot of road construction on the interestate so we agreed to drive the scenic route home.

Our first stop was a backroad outside of Okoboji, Iowa. Tim found this road several years ago. We affectionatly named this road, "Rock Road". The farmers dump rocks in the fields on the sides of this road. Where do these rocks come from? Thousands of years ago the glaciers left these rocks in the soil and every spring the frost pushes these rocks to the surface. They make great landscaping rocks in our gardens. Today was an especially productive day, we collected four totes of rocks.

The next stop was Arnold's Park. We treated ourselves to an Arnold's Park mainstay, a nutty bar.

Back on the road, we drove through Sac County. I didn't really notice them but Tim pointed out all of the barns with quilts painted on them. Thank goodness for google and the IPhone. I googled and found what we were seeing was Barn Quilts of Sac County. I am looking foward to driving this way again and checking out more of the barns.

Our last stop was Small's Fruit Farm. We decided to buy Honey Crisp and McIntosh apples. Have you ever eaten a Honey Crisp? If not, you should. They are the best eating apple, so sweet and crisp. One of the orchard's weekend specials was Acorn Squash, so we purchased three. I also found ornamental gourds and small pumpkins for my outdoor fall display.

Thanks Tim! Your backroads adventure made for a wonderful, memorable day!


  1. I love taking the scenic route unless I have someplace to be or the kids are up and going nuts in the car, then the speedy route is best. It's amazing what neat things you find along the way.

  2. Rural backroads are always an adventure.
    Joyce M


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