
Friday, June 19, 2009

Ten Days...3000 Miles and Lots of Great Memories

We arrived back in "The Good Life" late yesterday afternoon. 7 hours across non scenic I80 in Nebraska was the culmination of our trip. We were all glad to be home. Our own beds and all of the comforts of home were there for us. Michael was home all of about 10 minutes and off he went to see the friends he'd left behind 10 days ago.

As we were eating dinner at Red Lobster (chain food was calling to us) in Cheyenne,Wyoming on Friday night, we recounted the memories of the week and talked about our favorities.

Breakfast - The Running Bear Pancake House in West Yellowstone
Lunch - The picnic lunch in Sinks Canyon State Park
Dinner - Michael's was the Prime Rib at the in Cheyenne and for Tim and I the gnocci at Nani's in Jackson Hole.
Most Comfortable Bed - Cody Cowboy Village
Favorite Experience - Michael's was ATVing in Apline, Wyoming, Tim says he loved it all, for me the breathtaking scenery of the Teton Mountains at Sunset.

Ten Days...3000 Miles and Lots of Great Memories!!!

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