
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy (Early) Birthday Tim!

My husband, Tim turns the BIG 50 in late July. I turned 50 first and chose a cruise to celebrate. This year was Tim's turn. Originally we looked into going on an Alaskan cruise but decided to wait a few more years for that trip. Of course, with the current state of the travel industry, we'd have gotten a real bargain if we had chosen the Alaskan cruise. Instead, Tim chose a road trip to Yellowstone. We're so happy that Tim's 16 year old son Michael will be going with us. He's also excited and looking forward to the trip. Maybe he's really an adult living in a teenage body? Excited about an 11 day road trip with his parents?

We (or should I say I) started planning our trip over 6 months ago. I am a total planner, so it's been easy and fun for me. Hard to believe, we leave Thursday morning. The laundry room floor is covered with totes and bags, cameras, binoculars, hiking shoes, rain gear and above all THE SNACKS. I am hoping everything fits in the car and leaves us room to bring home a souvenir or two.

I will be deviating from the cooking theme for the next couple of weeks and posting updates on our travels.

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